Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Three Priorities

For a number of years, I attended the officer meetings of a large, public bank holding company every week. The reason I went was to hear the weekly presentations of a man named Jim Blanchard. Jim is the most effective leader I have ever known and during those years he became my mentor.

Over and over in dozens of different ways, I heard him say to the officers that their three priorities should be: your spiritual values, your family, and your job - in that order. He said, "If you get these three priorities out of line, sooner or later you will have so many personal problems that you will be of no use to us at work."

I've lived long enough to see that my friend was right. Our priorities should be our spiritual values, our family, and then our vocation.

1 comment:

  1. This is great advice. I do not have a wife or children, but I have heard many times that if I place anything above my spiritual values, I run the risk of loosing them both.
