Monday, November 21, 2011

He who dies with the most toys wins

Malcolm Forbes was one of the wealthiest people to have lived in our time. The billionaire publisher was the one who came up with the oft-quoted phrase, "He who dies with the most toys wins." Forbes had plenty of toys: boats, planes, and castles. He had all the symbols of status that our world has to offer. He had what many of us desperately want: prosperity, power and privilege.

I didn't know Malcolm Forbes so I won't offer an evaluation of him, but I've known a lot of very wealthy people. I'll bet you that if you knew the real life situation of the wealthiest people around - their pressures and their struggles - you wouldn't be interested in changing places with them.

The truth is that those who die with the most toys are just dead.

The One I follow said it this way, "A person's life does not consist of the abundance of things possessed."


  1. Hi Jim, thank you for this very wise sentiment. I am in agreement with you on this! My philosophy has always been, the less "things" I have the more time and attention I can give to God's people. Thank You for the effort you place into "Jim's Daily Awakenings"! Wishing you, Susan and family a wonderful, blessed and festive Thanksgiving. Hugs, love and light, Suzanne

  2. It's nonsense. He who dies with the most toys is dead. And somebody else gets all the toys.

  3. It's nonsense. He who dies with the most toys is dead. And somebody else gets all the toys.

  4. "He who dies with the most toys is dead" is true, but what a fun life. You don't need to be in poverty, suffer and struggle etc. to reach the kingdom of God. Be Humble, share your toys, Help those who help themselves. "a persons life does not consist of the abundance of things possessed, but by how he chose to live his life".
