Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lesson Learned

I'll tell you what I've learned from Alcoholics Anonymous: the best way to help yourself is to help someone else.

People think "the twelve steps" are the basis of Alcoholics Anonymous. It is an important part of the program, but frankly, it was not original to the movement. It got added later.

The most important principle in AA is that we stay sober by helping others to stay sober.
It is a principle that affects every aspect of life. If you are struggling with grief, help someone else going through grief. If you are a cancer survivor, give aid to other cancer survivors. If you are depressed, assist someone else suffering from the dark night of the soul.

The best way to help yourself is to help someone else.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jim, so true. I think sometimes people have it a lil backwards as to how this works. Thank You for your Daily Awakenings....through your wisdom it certainly is refreshing and "refreshes" the soul! God's Peace, Suzanne
